#8 - Half of March

By Gregory Low - March 16, 2016

It's been a very stressful month for me . Both college and my personal life has been bombarding me with every single nonsense that it could come up with. Just imagine 100 atomic bombs blowing up in Pearl Harbor at the same time . Imagine the devastation. That's pretty much what I'm going through at the moment.

Firstly , I have an assignment that consists of me covering a total of 12 events for a newsletter that I have to complete in a timespan of one month. It's easier said than done , and it's seriously stressful. A single event could take up two hours , or even your entire day. It's insanity on another level. 

I started off the month by covering one event , which is a sneak preview of my university's new campus that is still under construction. The building should be ready in a few weeks to accept students in , which excludes me as my department ( Communications ) will not be moving into the new building for now. In other words , I'll be stuck in the old building until I graduate , most likely.

Here are some pictures , for your viewing.

It's not much , but everything is all pretty much under construction , so you might not be very interested in viewing those pictures. I was at the site for half the day , walking around everywhere and buying tons of food so I could stay awake - yes , I was really sleepy that day. 

( Just some other pictures that I took while I was walking around the site that has nothing to do with the construction with the new building . These were taken in the international school , which is located right beside the college )

Picture of the international school's logo.

Fast forward a week or two later , I went for a concert . The act was The Sam Willows , and I had an amazing time . It's been a really long time since I went for a concert - and by long time I mean last year when I went to Pentatonix's concert , and I brought the same date along with me. No , we're not gay , he's just my BFF.

Now for bad news :

My computer crashed. I thought that it was just going to be just another one of the usual computer crashes that I get constantly , but my laptop couldn't be turned on again - which meant that I had to factory reset the whole thing. I lost a lot of data and things that I didn't have a spare copy of , so I was sulking for a whole day.

I expect that the cause was because of Windows 10 , and maybe me accidentally downloading a file that contained a virus that crashed the systems , so I'm sticking to Windows 8.1 for the moment , if not permanently. To be honest , Windows 8 and 8.1 is way better than Windows 10 as it's compatible with everything as compared to Windows 10 , although 10 does have a cooler interface - similar to that of Windows 7.

But on the bright side , every single game functions well on Windows 8 and 8.1 as compared to 10 , which crashes every 10 minutes or so.

This whole month is going to be mentally and physically stressful , but I will somehow find a way to persevere and pull through. There's also Batman vs Superman : Dawn of Justice to look forward to at the end of the month , so that's a small bonus.

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