
By Gregory Low - February 10, 2015

I know that I haven't been updating much recently, as I have found no substance in my posts at all. It's all pretty much a hollow entity trying to express his feelings to the world in the form of rants. Kind of feeling like a Dementor from Harry Potter or some sort. Help 

Anyways, based on the title of this post I'm sure you already know what this whole Blog post is going to be about. And if you still haven't figured it out because you're listening to Jonas Brothers , it's about love. Bugs .

Before I start talking nonsense , like the usual, I'd like to congratulate all the winners of the Grammys' as you all deserve it because of your hard work and dedication to what you do. So congratulations. Oh and Ariana Grande , this creepy fat boy writing this Blog post is still single. Please break up with Big Sean and be mine. Haha !

I don't actually know who won what, because I'm not subscribed to Star World because of obvious reasons - my uncle. 

Now to the main topic. Last night my friend ( whom shall be nameless ) , asked me about love advice. Now note this, I'm not the best person for this kind of advice, because 

  1. I'm not Barney Stintson
  2. My relationship didn't go too well, but it was fun while it lasted
But since helping people is my specialty ( not really ) , I decided to help this person X . The conversation lasted about 2 hours and it was mainly focused on him freaking out . At one point I was about to send him a death threat because too much freaking out isn't good for anyone.

Basically, he was literally trembling "onlinely" . He constantly asked me how exactly a girl should be approached and all, which I basically gave him kindergarten grade answers : just be yourself.

Girls don't want to be asked out by a guy who has cold feet, I'm 100% sure of that statement. 

Guys that freak out are quite similar to a 7 year old kid asking his/her parents for something really expensive, knowing the fact that their parents are strict and scary.

Flowers, chocolates, probably / maybe / yes. Different girls have different taste on guys and the ways to ask them out. You just need to get to know them for a while, like what they like to do and their hobbies, then it's easier to ask out a girl. I've watched too much love drama .

Do it by yourself. What I mean is that you should be alone with her and then just ask her out. It's gonna be easier when her friends aren't around, as they could be blushing and doing something girly that will make your confidence shatter in mere seconds.

If you're talented ( besides playing video games ) , show it off. Maybe sing to her . Bringing her out and comforting her when times are hard is also good, even though you're just a "friend" . She'll appreciate you and in time, you're both together.

About the chances of rejection , it's always 50/50 , unless you're a total stranger then it could be 0/100 . You can't make rejection be 0% - unless you're a billionaire playboy like Tony Stark.

Girls these days love guys who can sing. Cute + able to sing : girls go nuts. I mean, look at Bieber.

To simplify my crappy post, just Google up "How to date girls" or something. It sure makes things way easier rather than reading this junk. Kinda feel like I'm demoting my own website haha.


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