2016 - Briefing and Some

By Gregory Low - December 30, 2015

2014 passed by really quick. The first thing I knew was that I was in my final year of high school . It wasn't easy to take in. Reasons was because it's the hardest year of high school , because you're expected to know pretty much everything by then so you'd have to be knowledgeable on everything. I wasn't . The second reason was that it marked the end of high school , and everything I did and made were to be put behind me in the past ~ and I should start anew in a brand new environment.

I didn't accomplish much in 2014 , except that I got fatter. I couldn't control myself , the food in my schools' canteen was really good. I guess that was a small guilty pleasure that I had to attempt to endure but failed miserably at even doing so. Heck , I had 0 intentions of stopping that insane addiction to the food that contained a lot of calories. This could be bad for me in the future , but I'm living in the "now" so I'm going to put all my attention on that instead.

It required 3 months for the authorities to mark my SPM exam paper , which is basically O-levels for those international readers of mine.

As you can see , I get most of my readers from US , followed by Malaysia , which is where I live and so on. Pretty cool.

Anyways , back to the topic. In those 3 months , I did absolutely nothing. It was like I had a "couch potato" switch and I left it on permanently , which lasted the entire 3 months until I received my results. I didn't do good for the exam , which meant that I couldn't enter IT , which is what I wanted to do. I did do some brainstorming to figure out if IT was the course that I wanted to enroll myself into. But I'm terrible at math , which would automatically determine the fact that I wouldn't enjoy myself at all. I would also be living a lie because I didn't have a complete passion for video game designing. I wanted to do something different. Something bizarre.

Which lead me to waiting another 2 months and being a full couch potato again , which meant 5 straight months in total - doing absolutely nothing. If I got myself a job and worked really hard , like full shifts and all that ~ for 7 days a week , I'd earn enough by now to purchase a laptop. But , Christmas came early for me and I got gifted a MacBook Pro. Of course, it's for college work but for the moment it acts as my second laptop.

I entered college at the end of May , not expecting much. I was really nervous on orientation day because I would be a lone wolf walking into an unknown jungle. That's just a figure of speech. I entered the hall and got some briefing of what the college has to offer me and I proceeded to my class. There I had to introduce myself , what my name is , which school was I from , how old I am and so on. The lecturer giving us our first day introduction was a lovely guy , and everyone else in the room was equally cool , nice and polite. Now , they're the friends that I never want to lose , because we've endured 2 semesters together and went through a lot during that process.

We have the party freaks in Kez and Jasabel , the YouTube fangirl in Soraya , the laid-back lady in Farah , the photographer in Advin , the " I love everyone and everything " girl in Praveena , the clown in Enoch , the clumsy one in Jane , the hardcore gamer in Shaun and then there's me , the music fanatic. Everyone else is also a music fanatic , but I think I'm the most extreme one out of the lot.

PS : If anyone of you guys are reading this ( the names mentioned above ) , don't kill me . It's just my observation and perspective of your characteristics. I could be wrong .

 Then came " My Name Is Joe " , which is kind of like my small debut as a terrible upcoming actor wannabe and also a YouTuber , which I'm working on it. I had an amazing time filming it and met new friends that I communicate a lot with today. 

See , when I graduated from high school , my mindset was on people being unfriendly and I shouldn't attempt to friend anyone because they are mostly back stabbers. Yes , my high school days were filled with a lot of drama and betrayal , which isn't fun at all. One second they're your close friend , the next thing you know they blab out your personal secrets that you entrusted to your friend to keep a secret about. This is why I have trust issues and pretty much hate people in general. Meeting the people I became friends with this year thought me that not everyone is cruel. There is still some good in the world , and they're not hard to find as I expected. I still do have doubt in people , because people can change , at anytime.

I've never settled on anything for a permanent decision especially when it comes to what I want my life to be shaped out to be when I grow older. College allowed me to make my decisions. Being in the Communications department allowed me to branch out and experience a lot of things , public speaking , photography , design , video making & editing. It's a really fun experience and I learned a lot from it. Of course , there were some bad times in all those too.

Everyone has a talent in something creative. Maybe you can write really well (writer) , draw really well (artist) , imagine really well (director) , sing really well (singer) , dance really well (dancer) , act really well (actor) and much more. Of course there's also the complex ones like becoming a doctor , pilot , lawyer and such but that isn't in my field of expertise and personal interests. I would like to be someone in front of a camera , or behind a microphone. Yes , an actor or singer - heck maybe even both. 

That is just a vision and a dream at the moment , but as long as you put effort into your dreams and you believe that you will make it there , you will make it there. Not everyone had an easy run. Some celebrities gained their fame because of their parents , some worked really hard for it. I think you know who falls into which category.

I do not envision myself to become a celebrity , but I'd like to do something big in my life. I don't intend to work behind an office desk for the rest of my life....where's the fun in that ? How cool would it be if instead of watching Star Wars , you lived it ? How cool would it be that instead of watching Taylor Swift , you are Taylor Swift ? See , something spectacular.

We're all born for greatness in our own specific way. No one's superior or inferior to another person . We're all equally human. Unless you're an alien disguised as a human to study on us - which explains all the homicide cases. Just kidding .

2015 is also the year on where I accepted reality and shut off myself from everyone. Who cares if I'm fat ? Who cares if I'm short ? Who cares if I'm inadequate ? No one should care. It's me and if you don't like it , then you can scram from my life. I couldn't care less. Life doesn't give you enough time to live a life full of drama and hate from everyone. 

It can be demoralizing when you're called fat , skinny , slut , whore , bitch and such. But you shouldn't let that drag you down. You'll just be allowing your enemies to win against you. Be strong . You know what's best for yourself and what you want for yourself. No one can force you to do things otherwise. It's your own life , so live it the way you want to.

I get fat-shamed by my mum every single day, Heck , all my family members do that. Well , they're all cunts anyways so I'm not bothered to say the least. Whatever. Again , if you hate it , bugger off.

Lastly , yes ~ I came out as being bisexual earlier this month. I would like to clarify things right now (again) . Being in the middle doesn't mean that you're not going to get kids , or your parents are not going to get grandkids. Being in a "typical Asian family" , those homophobias hate all these , but they just have to accept it. 

Here's the fun part , I do not like guys. The reason of "bisexuality" is because I'm embracing more of a feminine side of things rather than the masculine stuff. In other terms , it means that instead of liking cars , I like boybands. Instead of liking metal music , I like pop. Instead of watching football , I watch " Brother / Boyfriend Does My Makeup " on YouTube. There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing this , but homophobias will not understand , similar to atheists who don't get why people worship "God" .

But in all honesty , I'm perfectly straight. Quite a lot of people would probably come to a conclusion on where I'm just a puzzled gay person that hasn't fully come out yet , but like I said - I don't like men. And being a feminine kind of guy doesn't make me gay either. The term "bisexual" for me is just a figure of speech , but technically I'm straight. Sounds pretty complicated , even for me. But whatever , call me straight or gay or bisexual , I don't really care

Resolutions for 2016 ? I don't have any resolutions. I'm just going with the flow of the choices I make for the next 12 months and see how everything pits out in the end. Thanks for reading. I don't normally make conclusions but since it's the last post for me this year , why not do something a little different and out of the ordinary , am I right ? Hope you had a great 2015 , and I hope that 2016 will be an even better year for all of you.

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