#4 - Untitled

By Gregory Low - February 17, 2016

So this is my fourth Blog post in a 10-week college assignment , and to make things way better , I don't have a title for this Blog post. As a matter of fact , I'm pretty much blank as I'm typing all this down. But just try to go along with the flow , and maybe you'll enjoy reading this. 

Valentines Day just passed by , but it was just another normal day for me in the year. Why ? Mainly because I'm single , so it wouldn't make a lot of sense for me to even celebrate it. Come on , what am I supposed to be cuddling and smooching with ? A teddy bear ? That's just sad . Like , just picture "sad" , only way sadder - like really , really sad. That is utterly depressing for some reason.

Deadpool came along too. Movie of the year ? Not close , not even close. I found the movie really short , even though it was 1 hour and 50 minutes long. Reason(s) are as follows. The trailer itself revealed the whole movie from start to finish. The adult humor and other dumb jokes weren't included inside the trailer , but Deadpool is all about the vulgarities , the non-stop talking and being your typical anti-hero type of superhero. I'm not complaining about the vulgarities and all , as the movie is clearly rated 18+ and in America , it's rated R , as seen below.

In case you're unaware , I am living in Malaysia . And in case you don't know where Malaysia is , a map will be shown below , or you can click here to view the location on Google Maps.

So why did I tell you guys about my location ? It links back to the Deadpool story / review above , shown by the picture below . 

Here's the thing , the Red Band trailer is already a big giveaway to the fact that Deadpool isn't suitable for kids . And clearly , Shan from Klang brought his kids to the cinemas. Or , he's someone who dislikes foul language. Whichever one it may be , I have some pointers for the guy. Look at the ratings of a movie , any movie in fact , before watching it. It's his own fault for being autistic to not check the ratings of Deadpool before watching the movie. 

" Ban the movie immediately " . The movie is already banned in China , please don't allow your stupid personal problems with either your sensitivity to foul language , or your autism to bring your 5 year old child to the cinemas and hear " Daddy , what does f*ck mean ? " once you exit the cinemas. Going to repeat this again , don't be retarded.

Autism and autistic - the two words that I've been using quite frequently lately. No , it's not for insulting purposes , as I'm not the type of person to stoop to a low level where I would call anyone autistic or so. But then here comes another part of my random Blog post , and I do mean random. After all , it is titled "Untitled" .

I was asking for Blog ideas on a gaming platform called Steam . It was just a normal post , until this stupid attention seeking kid comes by and starts being a total dick. It started with me posting this in the activity feed , which is basically like updating your Facebook status , or Tweeting onto your wall.

Then , the sad little pathetic critter of a boy came along :
PS : sorry for the bad quality , but it's readable .

 " Yeah , I know you're a dude "

Here's the explanation for that. I had troubles finding good profile pictures . I didn't want my profile picture to be something basic like a picture of a cat , or Pikachu , or something out of a cartoon. I didn't want something manly like skulls , guns , gore and whatnot . I wanted a decent but subtle profile picture . Girls , why not use a girls' picture ? So I stuck with that until now , which is a pretty long time.

Tinder and Steam . They're two completely different platforms. One is for finding your love partner , while the other is a place where you buy games and play them. Unfortunately , some people tend to bring Tinder onto Steam , which makes most of the hormone raging males out there attempt to flirt with you , and even use cheesy and pathetic pickup lines to try to get your attention. I know this firsthand because a lot of people believed that I was a female. So I named my alter-ego "Lia" because I really love that name . I settled on a gaming name called " VioleT " after months of brainstorming , which apparently increased the rate of people believing that it's a female handing the Steam account.

A person that pretends to be someone else on the Internet is called a "catfish" , and they're really good at maintaining their online alter-ego , and to be one step ahead of everyone else so that no one could figure out that they're not who they claimed to be.

I did mess up and crack so I revealed myself to a few people , and they were acceptant of me. They weren't bothered about the fact that I was pretending to be someone that isn't even my sex. Those people could differentiate Tinder and Steam. Someone called my act out , but he was cool about the whole thing and now we're close Internet friends. Would love to meet this person in real life someday.

I did not intend to become a catfish , nor am I proud to be one. But the whole purpose of being a catfish would be to manipulate and scam other people for free stuff or money. It's like a snake awaiting the rat to pass , the rat provokes the snake , and the snake goes in for the kill. Usually , the people that fall for a catfish doesn't get out of the situation easily , so the whole gag could last a really long time.

To be honest , I'm not trying to be a catfish . I just want to be a normal person on the Internet. For the people who knows me personally in real life , can already tell that I do act quite feminine a lot . In fact , I act that way most of the time , so having a female alter-ego on the Internet isn't the worst decision that I could have made.

This leads up to the autistic kid from the pictures . I won't reveal his gaming name , nor his real life name so at least he could keep 2% of his dignity , if he even has any of it left.

" Yeah , I know you're a dude "

Another pointer to the sentence quoted above. He fell for my catfish , and he was flirting with me for an amazing period of time. If he knew that I am a guy , he would've stopped , and not continued like a pathetic loser as he already is. 

" You like talking behind peoples backs "

I'm not sure what kind of nonsense he brought up there , but I never talked bad about him , until now of course. He's an attention seeking kid. If he doesn't receive his daily dose of attention , he'll cry and rant all about how his pathetic life sucks so much on the feed - and to be honest , no one even cares. People want to just have a friendly environment and play games with their friends. Drama ? Take it somewhere else. Sadly for the autistic kid , he doesn't have anywhere else to take it.

" Your sh!t a$$ is off my friends list forever "

Before I continue , I'm keeping my posts from showing any vulgarities from now on , so they will be replaced with symbols and stuff . The kid thinks that it's a privilege to be on his friends list. First off , he's level 100 . Now it might seem like a big number , but the highest leveled player on Steam is at 900 + , so this kid is insignificant compared to the few thousand other players that are way higher than him. 

What's so good about his friends list ? No one knows . Literally , no one can even give me a valid reason to actually feel privileged to be in that jerks friends list. He's not Obama . He's not Mark Zuckerberg. He's not anyone famous. He's just a sad little kid in the world with no friends nor family ( trust me he lives a really sad and pathetic life )

Pray for the kid ? Not worth my time . People like him should honestly seize to exist , or just rot in Hell. He thinks he's such a big shot and a very important figure on the Internet , when his d!ck is most likely the size of a peanut. Trust me , I can come up with more mean insults . I'm just keeping things clean as possible.

" Now you can really consider me a "DICK" "

Yes , yes I can. As a matter of fact , you were already considered a dick for a really long time. I was just waiting for the day where he snaps like a little kid begging his dad to buy him the toy car set he saw in the toy store when his dad just wants to head home to rest. You understand the reference .... we were all young once upon a time .

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