Diamond in the Rough

By Gregory Low - July 25, 2016

It has been a month over since I updated anything on this Blog of mine , which I legitimately forgot that I even have to begin with. I decided to take a long break off my website and to just let life go on , which is quite moderate so far. 

Another semester in college has come to an end , and there have been some good and some bad that came along with it. I didn't enjoy this semester , as I took up two subjects that I have the least of interests in - Public Relations and Advertising. Allow me to elaborate further in details.

I'm not someone that prefers theory over practical. I never did like theory , as it wasn't my forte to begin with , and both of these subjects are theory subjects. There was a third , Social & Business Communication - but I decided to drop that subject because well , I couldn't come to terms with trying to enjoy a third subject solely on theory. There wouldn't be any fun. Thankfully , I heard that there will be some practical subjects to choose from for the next semester , so that would be really fun.

I've created new bonds , broken old ones , and changed the landscape of my surroundings in a drastic way. Of course , all this happened without me even realizing it , but it did happen - for better or for worse. Feeling affectionate over a particular girl has also occurred over this past month and a half . If you're reading this , I think you know who I'm referring to. I'll probably just stay a friend , considering that I'm ugly and no one really likes me.

Just kidding , I may be ugly - but I won't let that bring my morale down .

My braces life is reaching the one year mark , which means that I only have another year to go. It's not a period of suffering and pain , but it's extremely hard to eat food without having bits and pieces getting stuck between the wires every now and then. To add on , I'm not someone who would bring a dental kit around with me in my pocket or anything for on-the-go dental assistance. I felt really uncomfortable brushing my teeth the last time I brushed my teeth in a public toilet. It's gross and unhygienic , and I hope to never have to do that ever again.

But now I'm going to step into sensitive territory. In other words , religion will be the main topic for this Blog post.

In my life , I've been missing out on church for a lot of weeks in a row as of right now , and my mum isn't proud of it. Is it really compulsory to attend church just because you're a Christian. I believe that everyone has their own rights to say yes and no , which is clearly a privilege that I do not own as of right now. You can't force someone to do something against their own will. If I don't feel - sanctified while being in church , then the atmosphere isn't for me. Should I move to a new church , and probably somewhere that has more teenagers as compared to the one I'm currently in ? ... perhaps. 

I've hit rock bottom with this whole religion thing a while back , ever since religion was abused when literally any topic would be brought up. And before I proceed further , I have no intentions of targeting everyone in this religious belief , just a couple of serious believers that know nothing else but religion itself. 

I'll start off with Christianity. Yes , I'm going to target my own religion , and for a valid reason . Many lives have been lost over the past two months , with mass murders to terrorist attacks , and a serious jealousy problem turned ugly. That is what I'm looking to focus on for this section.

Unless you're living under a rock , you've heard of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando last year. 49 people were murdered in cold blood , and 53 others were wounded in the process. It was a gruesome moment in human history , and absolute carnage and sheer proof that humanity is falling into an abyss that we cannot climb up from. We either attempt to keep climbing out of the abyss , or give into despair and fall right in. 

The tragedy , is that this Californian pastor hasn't died by being shot 49 times - in the head . That would be utterly satisfying to watch. I'd be cheering for that. Yes , I'm with the LGBT community , I support them and I strongly believe that they deserve equal rights as all of us straight people. They're human beings too in case you were too blind to notice. There are also Tweets that states about how Jesus sent the shooter to kill them because they were gay . Well if God is really that cold hearted , then Christianity isn't the thing I'd like to believe in. Say what you want , judge how you like - I'm entitled to my own open opinions over everything . If being a Christian means that I should celebrate the killing of other people because they don't have sexual interests in the opposite gender , then I'd gladly say goodbye to my faith , which is already shaken as of this moment.

The shooter was a Muslim , which adds up to the reason why Donald Trump would win the presidential elections this year. Ban all the Muslims from America , or whatever his plan is , it isn't my problem as I live all the way on the other side of the world . It wouldn't affect me much , and there's no way in my life that I would even consider joining Islam , so I'm pretty sure he'll allow me to cross the border into USA. 

" Not all Muslims are terrorists , but all terrorists are Muslim " .

Let me repeat myself once again , I'm in no means disrespecting any religion here - but if you feel offended or something , feel free to contact me and share out your own opinion on my Twitter mentions. 

This leads me to my next subject , Muslims. There have been many incidents since the Pulse Nightclub , but I haven't really followed up on recent news so I'm not aware of the full situation on things that happened in Turkey , Nice and many other places. Am I stating that Muslims did those ? No , I'm not. But let me get to the main point.

Pokemon Go was released a month ago , and it has been the biggest craze / hit ever since then. People have been going on a rampage all over the world , attempting to catch them all and looking to become the best Pokemon trainer of all time. The craze was expected , considering that most , if not all of the players that were anxiously waiting for the game to be released , grew up watching Pokemon and playing the old classic card game.

What do Muslims have to do with Pokemon Go ? Well , I'm not a huge Pokemon fan to begin with , but I sure do want to play Pokemon Go. It gives me a really valid reason to get out of the house and walk all over searching for Pokemon , which means that I would get a lot of exercise - which is good for everyones health. In the meantime , you get to play a pretty sweet video game while doing so - which is a win-win situation. 

But some Muslims in Malaysia (and outside of Malaysia) think otherwise. These are the people that stain this country , turning it into one of the most self centered and autistic countries in the world , in the state of the management system alone. I don't really have to cover up on the 1MDB issue or anything , as it's all over the news these days.

Now let me just cut you off there , you utter disappointment of a human being . You admitted to know little to nothing about the video game , and you're just going to head straight to the conclusion that it condones gambling among Muslims . Oh please , have some valid context before even stating anything from here on . 

Yes , the game can become addictive , but if you're someone who knows their own limitations , you wouldn't cross the boundaries on when it comes to a video game. Yes maybe Mew Two spawned inside the meeting room , but if you're responsible - you wouldn't barge in with your smartphone in your hand , swiping at the screen...hoping to catch that Pokemon. What am I even saying ? It's Mew Two. I could find another job , I want that Pokemon !! *cough*

I also stumbled upon another interesting post while researching for my content above , containing the same autistic critter , about cinemas being illegal and stuff. 

I could go on writing for hours , only for you all to read it within a few minutes , so I'll skip it short and just add one final pointer, and that is this handsome Devil. And yes , I mean that in a really sarcastic term , as this human piece of trash looks ugly as hell.

For full disclosure over who this person is , here's his Twitter information.

What is the Symmetra Goddess skin ? This is how it looks like .

Whether or not it resembles a God or Goddess or whatever in the Hindu beliefs , I will never know. But I should stress on one small thing that really got me interested in this whole fiesta in the first place .

"WE urge Blizzard Entertainment to withdraw Devi (Goddess) skin of Symmetra character in Overwatch video game , which is highly inappropriate" Who is "we" , because from what I see - it's only him by himself , supported by pretty much no one at all. Ian from Smosh once ate a Jesus figurine and I didn't even complain or whatsoever . And I was really religious back then. I wasn't offended or anything , because they were doing it for entertainment purposes - although it was wrong to do something like that for entertainment purposes.

Same thing works for Symmetra. It's an entertainment and she's a character in a video game. If the Goddess skin is too revealing or something for that particular person to handle for his own sake , then what does he have to say about this ?

Seductive ? Yes , definitely. Am I attracted ? No I'm not. Is Rajan Zed attracted ? Heck , he's wanking off to the pic right now. So you would go all out to send a complain letter to one of the biggest video game companies in the world over a character skin because you feel insecure and offended , but you won't say anything on real females wearing dresses like the one in the picture above . PS : It's called a Sari for those who are curious.

Yes , a traditional attire against an attire created for a video game character shouldn't be placed in the same sentence together , as they are two separate things by themselves. But they both are ultimately directed to Hinduism at the end of the day , so why are you complaining about one thing and not bothered about the other. 

It created confusion. What confusion ? What's so confusing about a character skin in a video game ? 10 million people bought Overwatch and only one old man who's single and still a virgin - who probably hasn't even played Overwatch before , got confused. Wow , I'm amazed with human beings being so , weird. 

Either way , I've had my say - and I won't say anything else. I'm voicing out my own opinion here , and if there's a thing called " freedom of speech " , you'll leave me alone. But if you're seriously butthurt , then just contact me via Twitter . I already posted a screenshot containing one of my Tweets above.

Oh and , another extra post for all of you to enjoy :

NOTE , for the very last time : I am in no way bad mouthing about any religion in this post ( maybe slightly with Christianity ) , but mostly talking about a small individual or party inside the religion who's just too religious and I wish them all dead . Yes , I am a cyber bully.

Take care , have a great day / week. Until next time .

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