Straight Or Gay Test

By Gregory Low - October 24, 2014

I'm not entirely sure when this paranoiac subject decided to invade my life and make me feel so puzzled up for a really long time, so I just decided to test myself to see if I'm really "okay" in terms of sexual orientation.

These days, there are tons of people turning gay and/or lesbians , which is nothing wrong. But of course, I don't plan on falling down that deranged path myself. It's gonna be very awkward for me, I think.

So, I'm gonna be scrolling through this website : 
And see how I fare, then I'll conclude all this nonsense.

Be clear on your definition of gay
According to the website, there are of course, a few different types of "gay" which is from homosexual, heterosexual , bisexual , pan sexual and asexual.

For me, I don't fantasize over guys at all....although I can't help but to be very jelly of guys with abs and good looks and especially, have a great voice - considering that I'm a music maniac. Abs , um ....maybe it's because I'm jelly that they have a good body and I don't because I'm too damn lazy to go for exercises. I look like a tomato.

Heterosexual , it's the normal BGR thingy , which of course I have my own crushes , ranging from Ariana Grande to Scarlett Johansson. I might rethink my crushes in a few months time though.

Bisexual , it's that you like both boys and girls. Nope, I don't fancy guys. Moving on.

Pan sexual , I'm not entirely sure what that is as it's a new word for me but it could probably be a massive orgy if sex were to commence. Moving on.

Asexual , I'm not forever alone, I like girls (realistic ones that I could date if I had the guts to approach them in the first place)

Understand a bit about what science says about being gay.

Gay just means gay right? You can read the website if you want to know more.

Think about your past romantic experiences with the other sex

This is an interesting section. I "had" a relationship before with girl X whom is currently friendzoning me, which sucks but I don't actually have a crush on her anymore so she's out of topic. Yeah I have a lot of crushes on girls...a lot of girls...I should calm down !

Think about romantic experiences or fantasies with the same sex.

Well I did have a more-than-friends relationship with a girl a few years back (not girl X) and we watched horror movies in the middle of the night, she screamed....cutest thing ever. was a good day.

Examine your recent behavior with your friends and acquaintances

My guy friends, too ugly for me to even like them. Sorry to say that guys I still love you. My behavior so far, bro-to-bro and that's pretty much it. Acquaintances....I don't think I have acquaintances....

Examine who gets you aroused

The girl in the picture needs to calm down (on the website) : 

Well they said "picture a naked woman" and "picture a naked man" . Yeah I'm not interested in dicks....eww.

That is it for the website and my whole "reaction" towards the tests that they gave.

For me, I talk a LOT about boys, Asian boys and of course 5 Seconds Of Summer. I mean, I like them because they're talented, good looking and what not. Giving away my 5SOS poster to my cousin was hard at first, but I had to let it go....I had to. It was a picture of the band 

Calum, Ashton, Luke, Michael

And yeah I really needed to get that out of my life because literally putting them up somewhere, might result in devastating turn of events.

I think all these started when I was on YouTube one day and I bumped into BubzBeauty and decided to watch her videos which are all about make up and nails and all that and somehow I ended up watching every single one of them from start to finish and even subscribing to her. I stopped watching her videos to find a lot of games and music videos, then decided to settle down on comedy videos.

That's where I found Caspar Lee , Troye Sivan , Tyler Oakley , Connor Franta , Joe Sugg , Alfie Deyes , Marcus Butler, JacksGap and yeah...the list of British YouTubers goes on forever.

At first I was like " OMG freaking hot boys ahhhhh I love them" and yeah, major fanboy mode went on, and I subscribed to all of them and watched all their videos.

I suppose it's quite normal because Jack and Finn is really charming , and I don't mean that in a gay way, it's just that all my crappy insecurities just make me fanboy over hot guys and such.

 Then one thing lead to another until I decided to buy some girls stuff...which thankfully are called "unisex" these days. Those are the rainbow loom bands which are taking the world by storm, being the first guy (no literally) to buy The Fault In Our Stars book and bring it to school and finished it within a week, went to watch the movie and cried my heart out, watched Maze Runner and fanboyed over Minho for a week....and that's pretty much it.

But apparently those are just normal types of problems that everyone seems to have, Apparently you can't be gay until you've dropped every single thing in your life and started a new one where you only fantasize over a person or people in the same sex as you.

I wasn't joking about what I said so far, and to conclude, I'm not gay. Just tend to fanboy over stuff a bit too much.

*claps, victory dance , victory run*

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