
By Gregory Low - June 26, 2014

My biggest problem that I'm facing is my plans for the future.

What do I want to become,how do I achieve my goals,how do I be successful and to build a family.

Let's not go too far

Now,some people want to become doctors,others lawyers,others engineers and so on.

As for me,I love being in the entertainment side of business.

I'm not sure,but I've always been impressed with how entertainment changes the world,a huge step after step. I have always admired the legend Bruce Lee because he was and is the best kung fu entertainer that ever lived.

I've never listened to Elvis but I did catch some parts of his songs and it's really catchy,and people still remember him as the King Of Music. Same thing goes to Michael Jackson,except that I listened to all of his songs.

Nowadays things are not easy to get. I'm talking about houses,cars and all those super expensive things that you can think of. Of course,we all want to be rich. I do too.

But each person has their own desires and dreams and ambitions. You cant force someone to do something that they don't want to do.....just because it gives more income in salary.

For instance, the gas and petroleum business,or something like that. Chemistry,lots of chemistry is involved. And what's funny is that my chemistry grades are really bad. This just shows that I really don't have interest in that.

A few of my friends states that chemistry is the easiest among Biology and Physics,but I think otherwise. My biology foundation isn't strong itself so I'm going to take that out of the equation.

That leaves me with,Physics. Still,not my strongest but my favourite. Why? It involves movement and energy stuff,exactly what it takes to be something that I've always wanted to be, a game designer.

Yes, a total nerd,just the way I like it.

But of course,like any other person,I have a fall back.

Singing,also in the entertainment business.

If so many others can make it,why can't I? I don't know how well I sing,but critics are that I have a good voice,which is pretty rad.

Ed Sheeran, Sam Tsui, Taylor Swift, Backstreet Boys and so much more have always been an inspiration.

It was about two years back,when my uncle decided to bring the whole family and some friends to a karaoke session for a few hours.

When it came to my turn to sing, I panicked. I randomly chose two songs 

1. Waiting Outside The Lines by Greyson Chance
2. Leave Out All The Rest by Linkin Park 

I sounded terrible,yet everyone there cheered for me. Perhaps they were being a good supporter to a terrible singer......

I was unhappy,really disappointed with myself,so I made it a mission to practise and practise every single chance I had,which mostly was in school during lessons to release myself of boredom or something like that,or maybe just to blend in with my other buds who loves singing too.

I managed to change the way my vocals sounded like,and went for MORE karaoke to improve. It still isn't perfect,but it makes me happy to know that I am doing what I love to do.

True,I don't play instruments. I forgot all my piano, I barely touched the guitar, and I never played drums before. The recorder doesn't count because it's a lame instrument used for putting people to sleep [ Well,when I took music class ]

But yeah, I don't want to do anything else but to live my dream. Games is a thing for me,music is my life. Yes,I can balance between both. Of course,getting a degree in gaming [ :3 / Game designing ] and see where it takes me.

I don't need stupid people like an old dentist lady telling me that 'the pay is low' and 'it's a boring job' to do either game designing or singing'

She emphasized on how she was once a singer and she didn't make any money out of it. Well,she wasn't on Broadway or MSG,she was in a night club. DUH,you look like shit lady. I wouldn't pay to see you sing.

Maybe I'm taking the toll too far for mentioning Broadway or even MSG,but if the singers today can do it,why can't I?

Take for instance, Lorde. She's like, 18 this year I believe,because she's a year older than me and I turn 17 this year so yeah. She made it big,she even won the Grammy ! If she can do it,so can I,so can you,in whatever you want to do.

The road to ANYTHING is never easy,but as long as it's the thing that you love and it's your true meaning of existing in this world,then become the next MJ,or the next Whitney Houston. 

Success is not determined by anyone,but you. 

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