
By Gregory Low - June 27, 2015

Hello , hello internet !

Recently , ( like around last week ) , I made an Instagram account . When you make a new social network account , you'll start off with 0 followers / friends / subscribers , 0 following and 0 posts . As for me , I started off with 13 , 000 followers with just 1 post (and followed about 100 other accounts)

News went around ( mainly because I shared a screenshot of my Instagram account on my Facebook ) , and I received a lot of messages . Most of the messages were :

  1. OMG how did you get so many followers with 1 post ?!
  2. Legend . Please teach me !
  3. Wow , wow , wow , just , wow
  4. WTF how did you get so many followers 
And those were pretty much how most of the messages were . BUT , a few message caught my attention , so I'd like to take some time here to clarify some things .

" You bought followers " 

- First off , no I did not buy any followers . In case you didn't get the memo , I created this account ages ago , and had a LOT of posts on it . I deleted them all because I didn't really like the content , so I just wanted to start fresh . The account was a secret project of mine , isolated from everyone else , which is why no one ever knew about it - until now . I used a lot of hashtags , and most of them were from an app called Tags For Likes !

" At least I have real followers unlike you " 

- Lol . You've been jealous of me since day one , might as well just admit it Brandon . Don't waste your time and come up with lame and retarded insults just to make me feel like a jerk or something . Don't like me , just unfriend me . The button is right there . Heck , you're the one who sent me a request in the first place , after your stinking attitude towards my spam . Again , the unfriend button is right there . You can always argue with me , once you get 13 000 followers . Then I might shut up . Good luck .

I don't need to have a lot of followers or friends to make myself happy . Sure I consider myself a celebrity in my heart , but I don't need the spotlight . I'm just an average human being finding my own path in life at the end of the day , and I'm sure you're all doing the same as well .

I have this Blog which currently stands at 18 000 viewers in total , and that's not a lot . At all ! I don't make any money out of this , it's basically just a hobby . Well , until I get myself a bank account and start doing something . I never expected people to actually read my Blog , but I'm happy that there's someone out there that's interested in reading my stuff . Sure they might not read EVERYTHING , but in the end , I still get a reader count anyways . So thank you !

I have a YouTube channel that I made almost 3 years ago as something to kill off my time . I started off uploading videos of me playing Plants Vs Zombies , to some StarCraft videos and some music videos - in which case I deleted due to copyright ( well , not all of it ) . One day I uploaded a video on a Kamen Rider series in Japan , which got me tons of views - but it did take 2 years , so I really played the patient game ! My YouTube currently 1.1 M viewers and close to 1.3 K subscribers , which is pretty sweet !

Along the way I made a Twitter account because apparently it was a necessity to have one , and since all of my friends have one . It has 6.2 K followers now as this Blog post goes up and if you're wondering how I got that far , I don't know . It could be because this account was once a K-Pop fanbase , and I did get a decent amount of following during that period of time .

I made a SnapChat recently , for purposes of stalking people , and rarely post my own Stories . But hey , you can follow me if you want ! I'm not forcing you !

SnapChat : gregjslow

Before I end this , disclaimer ! This post is not to promote any of my social networks . Yes I did leave a link to my YouTube channel , but you don't have to watch a video or subscribe if you don't feel like it . We all have our own freedom of choosing .

This Blog post is to basically clarify some stuff that has been circling around my news feed on Facebook and some other places , also to just shut the mouth of one jealous human being . Again , the unfriend button is right there mate !

Also , I'm not bragging or showing off , so don't take this the wrong way ! Even if you have very little posts on your Instagram or Twitter , only have about 100 followers , I'll follow you if you update consistently . Doesn't have to be daily , just be consistent , that's all it takes for me to follow you . 

I'm also not a celebrity !!

Congratulations to America that now gay marriage is legal in all 50 states ! Everyone deserves to be happy , whether they're straight , gay , bisexual or transgender !

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