How To #6 - Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

By Gregory Low - September 03, 2013

My "How To" Guide #6 - Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

I wanted to share with you what I would do in this situation. Here are my Top Five Tips to Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse:
Stock up and tool up: Grab as many weapons as possible - knives, axes, shovels, baseball bats. Think garages, sheds and hardware stores! Plus bag up utility supplies such as torches, a can opener, matches and a medical kit. Remember to always keep a loaded gun with a bullet for yourself if you get bitten and need to take yourself out.

Raid all neighboring houses, shops and supermarkets: Take as much water and canned goods as possible! Plus energy bars and drinks. You're going to be doing a lot of running... unless it's a slow moving zombies apocalypse: then you need mood stabilizers, a psychologist and self help books to make sure you stay sane and calm in face of a lifetime holed up in a shed/warehouse/science lab/trailer/supermarket.
Stay clean: Remember to pack as many hygiene products as you can. We're not talking a toothbrush, deodorant and aftershave but soap, hand sanitizer, baby wipes. You will occasionally have to camouflage as a zombie by rubbing their dead flesh on your own and that stuff is gooey and tough to get rid of.
Grab a boy/girl: If you're not with a loved one, try teaming up with a group and especially someone from the opposite sex. You never know, it may be up to you to recreate the human race...and it'll also liven up some of those dull hours of waiting and hiding!

Find a safe place: Every smart arse out there will already be running to the nearest shopping centre...think smarter. Find the most defended building you can - Government building, power stations, prisons, sea get the idea.
And finally... good luck!

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