Love Like You've Never Been Loved Before

By Gregory Low - January 05, 2014

Hi Internet,

From the very first break up which my girlfriend (I guess) 2 years back messaging me that things aren't working out to other awkward experiences that I shall not have any flashbacks on anymore,life took a toll on me.

I thought those experiences had made me stronger and wiser, but in reality, I just didn't know how to love anymore. I thought wow! This is great, I date girls and if it’s not working out, I’ll just discard and get a new one (playboy). And soon I’ll find the One! Happy. However, I wasn't getting anywhere with anyone. I learnt that I could not find love by being guarded, cynical and selfish.

You see, love will never be perfect. It isn't a fairy tale or story book. You get love by facing challenges, taking chances and opening your heart to someone even though there’s no guarantee that it will not hurt.

You must forgive the disappointments of the past. If you're unforgiving, you pay the price by bringing distrust and bitterness into every relationship and new experience. Know that you are not alone, and everyone has been hurt from falling in love before. It is part of the journey.And the journey is hell a lot painful,bear with it for everlasting love.

Painful experiences are not fun. But you have to take the bad with the good. Think back to every relationship you've had that failed. Wasn't it great having those butterflies in your tummy when you first found yourself falling in love? Remember the times she/he said or did something that made your heart want to explode with happiness? Try to remember the positives about that relationship,long or short.

Finding the right person takes a lot of effort and brings some pain along the way but the disappointments do stop hurting eventually, you just have to let it run its course. Now when I think back to my past, I think all my failures in love was so worth it. Well worth the countless magical experiences I've had,which I would say,it's kinda awkward if I recall.

The best way to live life is to love like it’s your first time and just keep taking those risks. Yes, it’s hard,it will always be, but that guard has to come down if you want to find love. Being bullet proof feels safe, and it doesn't hurt. But if you remain bullet proof, how will you find love ever again? 

So just learn from mistakes,make them your advantages and just go for it.Not all relationships lasts forever,because that's just how life goes on by.But,if you're strong,you will find the One,and you'll be happy,really happy.

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