Just A Love Story

By Gregory Low - July 28, 2014

Everyone's seen " How I Met Your Mother " I'm sure. Unless you're from planet Blur and doesn't know how to switch on the TV to catch up on one of the best drama's ever made.

And everyone knows " Twilight " ...a dull dark side of love and babies....and of course....vampires and werewolves. Somehow people seem to like this kind of genre for a love story....while I fall asleep before the movie could even end.

" Hachiko " ...the most touching movie ever about a dog being loyal to his master even after his death. Totally worth it to watch.

But the best movie this year,and super touching would be

Yes , it's " The Fault In Our Stars "

In case you're living under a rock...this is pretty much how the movie goes.

Hazel Grace is a girl living with cancer,she goes to support group one day and bumps into Augustus Waters,whom eventually turns into her boyfriend. A typical teenager love story,until Augustus found out that his whole body was made up of cancer,and he died. And then...drama drama drama

It's worth your money and time ! Seriously

Bring yourself....or your girlfriend there....and lots of tissue paper...because you're sure to cry....a lot !

Besides that, I've been doing some research about good music to listen to,and here are my top 5.

" Story of A Sentry - Afterlife "

" Angel With A Shotgun "

" As Long As You Love Me / Beauty And A Beat Cover "

" Best Is Yet To Come "

" Nightcore - Invisible "

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