By Gregory Low - December 24, 2016

It's coming to an end , another great year , another storybook to be closed. Then there's the typical "New Years Resolution and 1/365" thing that will definitely pop up on all social media , not that I'm complaining or anything ~ I do spam the same stuff on my Facebook, and Twitter if I even bother to check it.

This year marked one year since I joined university , and it's been tremendously entertaining and somewhat joyful. Of course, the assignments that were given to me over the course of the four semesters (I believe) have been extremely hard and stressful. But here I am, surviving ~ not fully because I did drop a few subjects to make it through, and retook some as well.

Plenty of students arrived this year , and it certainly was fun to announce "I'm your senior" to a lot of them, because heck ~ I'll annoy everyone as much as I can, while I can. I'll be doing my degree course locally anyways, so I'll be around. All the newcomers were really friendly, which is a great start, then there's the getting to know each other part, which was somewhat tough, but with patience, and some Instagram stalking, I figured out everyone's names.

Prom. That one night in your life when everyone's dressed to the nines and then there's me, trying to not get choked by my necktie. Never again, shall I be wearing any form of ties, no matter how good I (might) look wearing them. Throwback to 2014, when prom was actually a thing that was being organized, but us Form 5's did not have the proper fundings to actually hold a prom in a fancy ballroom, so the idea was scraped. I was going to be attending the function without a partner anyways.

But hey, university's different - and I went with a boy date and a girl date, because why not. It was supposed to be a double date kind of thing, but my poor mate got rejected by the girl he tried to ask to prom, so he latched on to me for the rest of the night. No complains though, he's a good wingman. Maybe even the best. Too far, too far. Ted is the best wingman.

My laptop broke down this year, which meant goodbye to my main laptop , which was my (old) Lenovo. Laptop's aren't cheap, and since I just purchased a MacBook for college work , and possibly for literal work in the future ~ since that's all an Apple laptop is capable of, my chances of getting my main laptop replaced was slim. As much as it's cool to own an Apple laptop, that thing doesn't allow me to play video games (probably for the best) , and it's hard to navigate my way around the interface and what not ~ I'm still struggling till this day.

But my dad agreed to purchase a new Windows operated laptop for me, and I got my hands on not just a brand new Windows laptop, but a gaming series laptop - MSI. It's an amazing addition to my tech "collection" of some sort , and of course ~ the laptop can do way more things than my former Lenovo could, so I'm really grateful for that.

My phone's carrier contract was to expire this year , and I was allowed to either stick to the current phone (Samsung Galaxy Note 4) , or upgrade to the latest generation. My phone was acting out as the contract deadline was approaching, so it was quite logical to get a new phone along with a contract extension for my phone carrier. I was planning on just stepping up the tech tree to the Note 7 , but we all know what happened with that phone.

The next big thing was the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, which was extremely cool but very controversial , with the removal of the headphone jack as to cater for a "wireless future" as Apple quotes. The AirPods is honestly a joke, but at least there are lightning earphones and the small lightning to headphone jack extension that comes along in the box when you purchase the phone. I did a lot of research, contemplating and brain storming till I just decided to step up from Android to Apple. I've not regretted the choice, as the phone is absolutely amazing.

My grandma offered to pay off the bill for the phone as my Christmas present, so it's safe to say that I've had a crazy Christmas this year. The color was one thing that I had trouble deciding on, but I went ahead with the Matte Black , 256 GB iPhone 7 Plus ~ as most people did too. The Jet Black version looks amazing , but it's a fingerprint and scratch magnet, so no thank you.

So in short, both my laptop and phone died in the same year, and I managed to get a huge upgrade in terms of tech and basically the specifications of both the laptop and phone individually. I'm grateful for all the things I've gotten thus far, I'm done with complaining.

Nothing much to say about my family, as most of them are irrelevant to me. Moving on.

I'll throw in the quote where I "saved the best for last" , which is to mention about my girl date to prom. When it comes to starting a conversation or even maintaining one with a girl, I could barely last five minutes without internally freaking out and appear totally creepy like I'm about to puke or something. Yes, I was that bad of a kid. Of course, being in university, vowing to start fresh and new + being in communications , I worked my way around being comfortable with conversing with girls.

She addressed me with my initial in her Blog post, which I won't be linking here for privacy reasons, so I'll address her with her initial as well. V came in with the second batch of juniors that I have. The first week with the new batch was somewhat unusual, as no one from my batch really spoke a word to the freshmen, until eventually we all just caved in and started to talk to each other. 

V started the whole conversation, approaching me, and my other two friends , Enoch and Shaun ~ while we were playing games on our laptops (class ended, relax). She mentioned about how she fancied anime, Pokemon, and she plays casual video games. The four of us talked, and we started to hang with each other quite often as time went on. She likes singing and has a good taste in music, so that managed to bond us together. She bonded with Enoch because he's an easy person to hug, and he's the more caring person among the three of us, as compared to me ~ being the cold hearted one. Shaun and her got together quite well because both of them fancied anime and whatnot , so that's that.

The two of them started to gain feelings for V one after the other, and they would ask me if it was just a small crush thing or something they were to actually try and make it a serious thing. It turned out to be a small crush kind of thing, and all the feelings faded off after a couple of days. To think that I, of all people would fall for someone - was absolutely crazy , and someone from college placed a bet on me that I wouldn't find a girlfriend till I became 30 years old. Thanks, that's real comforting...

Yes, I started gaining feelings for V, and I suppressed it for a while. I figured that I was just going through the whole "crush" phase , as I had feelings for other people as well during that time, but the result was the same ; crush. Then she got sick, from a normal cold to a very serious one month being hospitalized, with organ failure and whatnot. As cold hearted as I am, I was very worried. I visited her on the second week when she was hospitalized and she was asleep, with tubes and wires and all sorts of medical equipment all around the area, needles and stuff. I don't fancy needles, moving on.

My heart sank, and at that point the fact dawned on me that I actually had feelings for this girl. Being in university where you have to handle time, money, and your studies simultaneously is already hard enough, let alone adding on feelings for someone of the opposite gender. But it happened, and it didn't fade away. I waited and attempted to play my cards right, and then she finally got discharged. Then, my heart took over all my thoughts and I ended up confessing to her one morning, which lead to complete silence from both her and myself, as neither one of us could collect ourselves appropriately without completely freaking out over a messaging application.

It was like I was dragging a lot of burden along with me, as each day passed along with me suppressing my feelings. Confessing did just the thing to release that burden, but it brought along complete panic because I figured that at this point ~ I freaked her out. She was fine with me confessing, though she didn't want this whole thing to be official. So, I invited her out to a movie with me (and a bunch of other friends because it was a class activity) , and we spent the day trying to be "on a date" , with her just being quiet while I tried to figure out what was the one,twos and threes of a date ~ as I've never done this before in my entire life. Yes, I'm quite miserable in terms of dating.

She found it cute (I guess), that I was being an absolute freak filled with awkwardness and she just went along with it, and the day turned out quite decent. Then I fetched her back and we went "official" or something like so... Then prom came along, and she was my date for the night, and we're just taking things slow, or at least that's what I'm doing...

It's a few days early but I'll just add it here, happy 2 months :) Love you.

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