Don't Kill Our Stomach!!

By Gregory Low - November 28, 2013

Hey Internet,

If you saw the leaked images of this post on my Facebook page,then you'd already know what I'm talking about - FOOD.We all love food,and we live to eat good food.But sometimes,food can be devastating to our's why.

Have you ever been on Tumblr or Twitter or even Instagram just scrolling around for nice content to see,and all of a sudden you end up in a banquet of food pictures?I know I have.It's impossible to miss these things these days!
These are the three accounts at the top of the list on Twitter.Here's what it looks like inside one of the accounts.

OMG I just ate and now I'm craving for chocolate cake!Do you feel me?This thing needs to digest in my stomach!

People today just love to Retweet,Repost or Re-whatever on every social media available,and one of the most common reposts are related to food.Look,I know you might be craving for that cheeseburger or even a thick layered chocolate cake,but if you have over a thousand followers,or even more....there's a chance that 50-70 % of your followers will just have stomach pains because of the delicious pictures you just had to ReTweet.

I'm not here to say that "Oh,you're hungry?Stop posting all this foodporn everywhere" - no,no,no,no.You have your own rights to post or repost or whatever,but just control yourself.If you really like that food,just Favorite it and view it in your favorites,don't go ReTweeting 100 pictures of foodporn straight.It kills peoples stomach,because it's so (adds a million O's) delicious and also you're spamming their feed.

There really isn't any point of you Tweeting "OMG I'm hungry,so I'm ReTweeting Foodporn" - because you'd just make yourself starve to death.Head over to your kitchen,grab a snack or something,and watch TV.I used to get Tweets like "I'm hungry" all over my Twitter and that same person goes ReTweeting foodporn about 50 times and then Tweets "Lol haha I'm sorry for spamming your TL with food".If I was hungry back then,I think I'd develop gastric.

Another issue when it comes to food is the fact that we eat,eat and eat again.....we just don't stop eating....and we wonder why we are so fat.I feel you,I'm fat myself and I'm lazy to go to the gym.Oh well,it rains everyday anyways and I don't wanna get lightning strike while I'm exercising.

This is one of the most famous "why am I fat" Tweet on Twitter.As you can see,it's eat,eat,eat,eat and keep eating until the day you die.I'm not saying that you are at fault,I eat a lot myself......heck I keep telling myself not to take supper but I eat all the biscuits and it ain't the Jacobs type.I eat about 4 of these every single night,and I wonder why I'm fat :1

I don't keep track on food names so I don't know what they're called.I just know that they're a delicious big lump of awesomeness.

I really should hit the gym tomorrow because this is my current condition

The typical problem with girls and food is that they just love to eat.If you're a girl,admit might just have snacks right beside you now,unless of course you're reading this in the toilet hehe.Not only that,these appear on my Twitter quite often.

Yes I know girls,insecurities.But let me get this into your brain,not many guys like dating girls with huge boobs,because'll look bad.I'm sure you all know how to tell if your boobs look good or bad,because I do not want to Google this up!Guys love girls that are being themselves,and not trying to look the best they can which just makes them ugly.
If you look like this,it's good enough

Fat will never find a way to your boobs,because I doubt there's a route for that in your body.And if all your fat were to literally go to your boobs,obviously you'd look terrible.So stick to exercise.

Okay,I think this post just went from foodporn to literally real porn,so I'm gonna stop here.But before I finish this,I can admit I do ReTweet some foodporn myself hehe

Isn't that the cutest thing anyone could make for you.Um girls,go ask your boyfriend to do that haha!

Bon appetit 

Hope you enjoyed my banquet of pictures.See you later!

PS: I might not update my Blog tomorrow because I'm busy with things.

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