Elements Of The Heart

By Gregory Low - November 01, 2013

Hey guys,

Happy November!Time flies really fast,and I bet your brain is still thinking that yesterday was January.Well,I don't really love my November,and it's just the first day!

Lets recap.I woke up at 6.40 and rushed to school,not knowing that there was no school today.Blasted,should have just trusted my instincts and stayed in bed.No worries.Then I spent 40 minutes heading to different banks because my mum wanted to do some banking stuff.Once I reached back,that's when all the crap began.

My mum broke a plate,and her inner monster which I call "The Devil" came out of her and she started scolding me because I was still in my uniform.If she has a problem,just say it nicely,because I was very tempted to go all Bruce Lee on her.I don't really give a damn about what's going on in her life or her past,as long as she respects me and doesn't ruin my teenage years,which isn't long anymore.

Recap again,but it's your turn.When you have a birthday party,who would you invite?Your friends right?Your boyfriend or girlfriend right?Okay,stop recapping.My turn.I have to invite people who are 70 years and above to celebrate with me,and they're REALLY religious,which creeps me out.Or more likely,ticks me off.I don't need people telling me that playing computer games is a sin and whatever crap that doesn't exist in the Bible.They take it that computer games,BGR,ghosts and all these crap is all from the Devil.Dear Lord,what's wrong with their brains?

So why am I complaining,there you have it!I'm surrounding by people who want THEIR way and don't really care about what I want!If their lives are miserable or pathetic,don't drown me down that deep path because I'm still young,so obviously I'm not ready for it.Give me around 40 years to do so at least,why start at such a young age?

All they know is how to pray to God,head to church and stay there for 5 hours and what not.But hey,my body isn't actually programmed to live with this.Typical Generation Y problems.Look,I love God,we all do.....but I'm not that lifeless type that would tell someone "You must head to church and pray to God in order to pass your final exams".If that actually were to happen,I'd head to church EVERYDAY,honestly!

My mum always compares my attitude with my best friend,or more likely God brother,but there's many reasons why I don't act all angelic like him.He has parents who accepts him just the way he is,and they don't try to force him to come up to their potential then only they'll love him.That's the problem I'm facing.His parents aren't divorced and are always with him,so that just minus more life points for me.

My dad is here now and I'm really grateful for God to bring him back.But without him for such a long time,it does take some time for me to blend in,although it's been so many months since he's been back.My mum always wants me to live up to her expectations,like for example - if her friends daughter is a chemist and earns lots of money,she will force me to become a chemist so that I can earn lots of money to.Honestly,I'm so not interested in all this science crap,because I suck at them,especially Chemistry.

I have a life of my own,and I don't need my mum to act as a puppeteer to steer me in the "right direction" because I have rights!So at the end of the day,I shall embrace on my own path and not follow other paths that doesn't come into interest.

Thanks for reading!

Follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/GregJSLow
Song of the day - (Sorry my Internet is slow,so it's anything you wanna listen to)

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