Relationship Status: Help Me

By Gregory Low - November 21, 2013

Hey Internet,

Do you guys keep updated about celebrity relationship status.Something alike like Justin Biebers' break up with Selena Gomez.I bet you do.Now comes your relationship life.......

Are you single,in a relationship,or even in a really hard time after a breakup? I'm sure we have all seen people cuddling in shopping malls right?It's so common that you can't actually take your eyes off this phenomenon.When you're single,you tend to have insecurities very often....most common for girls.You feel very uncomfortable with your body and claim that you're fat,even if you're much more beautiful than Cinderella.

Relationships are hard to maintain.Both boy and girl,man and woman need to contribute a little bit to keep the relationship stable.Sometimes you just don't have the time to contact your girlfriend,and she gets very mad and starts to imagine weird things such as "maybe he has dumped me"....this is one very common problem to a falling relationship.Actions speak louder than words! Most of the time,the guy would say that he would always be there for you,but when you really need him,he's just not there.And sometimes the girl mess up quite similarly.

Another major problem is first-date jitters.It's very common mostly in men,because well.....we don't know what might impress the girl,or just ruin a perfect moment for the both of you to get to know each other.Having a wing man at a time like this is perfect.You could ask him to talk to the girl about you,and see how she replies....and you can do some changes to yourself.

Girls LOVE guys who can play a musical instrument,look cute,smell nice,at least be taller than them (no dwarfs).....or even sing well.Also,you have to be loving and caring obviously,because no one wants to date a person who doesn't care about you.

Puberty stages are hard.Girls become really hot looking,and the guys are just trying to look the best they can in a school uniform.Some relationships go really over-the-limit when the couple decides to have sex.....which is really dumb....because it's illegal and the chances of abortion is really high,and if the girl does abort the baby,she'll feel guilty for the rest of her life.

You need to take things slowly,from friends to being best buddies then proceed to being a couple.It's logically weird if you were to just walk into a restaurant,look into the eyes of a girl and instantly say "Will you marry me?".She will freak out and slap you in the face!Don't rush into a relationship.He/she can be your crush and if he/she likes you back,make a move.Don't ever be afraid because if you miss this chance,you might never get it again.Don't make silly mistakes!

If you did make a mistake,just be happy for him/her and wish them congrats on their relationship.Sure you might be similar like Jai Brooks who Tweeted "Nathan,if you're reading this,you better hold her (Ariana Grande) hand tight,because that's my world you're holding" - No problem.Just don't sabotage their relationship,because you'd just look like the Devil!

In the end,take it easy....things will go your way if you just take it easy.

Shout out to Dan Howell :
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