SPM Results Day

By Gregory Low - March 03, 2015

Before I get started, NO - I have not abandoned Blogger at all. I just don't have very good content that's worth posting , which is best I stick to being on Tumblr 

I've been busy these days , with my driving lessons that happens pretty much randomly - and it's frustrating ..... kind of. Either way, I'm able to drive ( without crashing ) , although there have been some close calls here and there, but I'm bruise free ( for the time being )

My dad drove me and my grandma to my school to pick up my SPM slip , which I managed to take the opportunity to catch up with my ex classmates , and that was fun because a lot has happened in 3 months.

There were 11 people who managed to get all A's in my school, so congratulations to them. As for me, my results are like shit in the toilet bowl. Why ? Because it's awful.

I'm not gonna reveal the exact results that I have because I myself am ashamed to even glance at the paper , so I'm just gonna say that I achieved 3 credits , which is crap.

Over the past 3 months , my friends have stopped wearing glasses , started wearing glasses , grew taller , shrunk , way hotter compared to before , and tons of them dyed their hair. So I have proven that I'm not the only one that has changed like....a lot.

Not sure if it's bad karma or anything , but I listened to 10 , maybe 20 very depressing songs about life last night when I was just hollow inside , and today I myself am depressed because of my results.

Decided to say sorry to my family members for my shitty results through here , because the word "sorry" never comes out from my mouth, as I don't offend anyone often so what's the point of saying sorry.

It really isn't Scar , it really isn't .

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