A Day Trip To HELP University & College

By Gregory Low - December 02, 2013

Hey Internet,

I was supposed to wake up around 10 (at least) this morning,but I ended up waking up around 7-8 am.Last night I had an assumption that I could never wake up for this day trip today,as I sleep around 1-2 every day and wake up around 11 or almost 12 in the afternoon.I'm not sure,but I did some equations and other nonsense while I was brushing my teeth and I was thinking that if I slept an hour earlier,would I set myself to wake up 3 hours earlier the next morning?Well,what do you know - it actually worked.I slept at 12 and woke up at 8,which sets back 3 hours from sleeping at 1 and waking up at 11.Miracles do happen!

Today I had an opportunity to experience what life is like in campus,which so far I know too much.But,the more you see - the less you know.Some mind games going on around here.Anyways,reached the school site around 10 and my dad showed me around the school.Now no offence Tanarata students,but your school is puny (not to mention my school,I study in a toilet).It's not fully completed yet,furniture and flooring just done today,but it's really spacious,and according to my dad,the canteen is the size of a hall! - (International school,starting from pre-school (year 1) up to A-levels (year 12))

Talk about big,the school has it's own theater (no joke),fully equipped with sound-proof walls to ensure no echo,and the music room is pretty much the same thing.The swimming pool isn't just like a kiddies swimming pool,but quite similar to the ones you find in a condo (around the length x width ; very equivalent).

Staff there are totally friendly,greeting one another with firm handshakes and quite casual.The staff there,even the principal is much better than mine,whom she is a total dick and a loser.Please resign!

Chinese believes in feng shui (I don't have a clue what it means,I just know that it resembles good luck or something like that),so there was a dragon/lion dance to "complete" the ceremony.Now,I wonder if the lion dance team is literally deaf,because I don't see any type of ear guard or cotton sticking out of their ears.The sound of the gong and the "whatever tang tang thingi" is superbly loud,and I just lost 5-10% of my hearing and my ear canals are totally sore.Thanks a lot ~.~

Food was fantastic,and they served sweet and sour fish.Oh dear me,if you've never tried it before,you better.You're missing some awesome stuff in your life!I snatched one big part of a fish (whatever that was) and vegetables,noodles and fried rice.Splendid,just like Jamie's cooking.

Moving on,I experienced what my dad calls "Life In The Fast Lane" - technically applies to racers but whatever :P -- we headed to the college and I got to see college students just browsing YouTube and listening to their music like nobody's business.Probably lecture was over,or they're legends at skipping classes.Teach me your wisdom!!!!

So,we get to wear completely casual into college eh?Well I only have one last year to suffer in a stupid school with lame teachers and I'm off to Summer Paradise - which means college.Now,college has billions of assignments,but I don't care.I'm taking up IT,and most assignments would be using the computer,so life is gonna be awesome.I just hope the girls can maintain their ego and not show off their bodies too much (Do girls even have ego?They're too innocent for that,okay scrap that thought.....)

I'm back,arms hurting because I'm using big words that I normally don't use in English.Ears are still numb,but it was a great experience.Now to pack for a 4 day adventure in Thailand yeah! 

 The swimming pool,which is actually much more bigger than you think.I was on the first floor while taking this picture so the size of the pool "shrunk"

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