A Fattytale

By Gregory Low - December 28, 2013

Hi Internet,

If you're a teenager,you'd probably understand what I'm about to discuss about.But if you're an adult,you'd understand even better because you have more life experience than us.

We all LOVE to sleep late,come on admit it.Most of the fun stuff on TV are on very late at night anyways.But,sleeping late makes you become Humpty Dumpty (Fat)

GETTING enough sleep keeps you thin.

Accumulating research says that even short-term,partial sleep deprivation can cause weight gain and other negative metabolic sequences.

The day following a "less than seven hours of sleep night",the average person will eat 29% more calories.It seems that a cognitively tired brain doesn't always make good food choices.

Why does this happen?Ghrelin and leptin are involved. Ghrelin is involved in sending hunger signals.Leptin helps to tell you when you are full.When you don't get enough sleep your body makes more ghrelin and less leptin.I'm sure you know what happens next.....


  • When you don't get enough sleep,your neurons don't secrete the normal amount of the "feel good" chemicals dopamine and serotonin
  • This is a powerful recipe for craving cake,candy,ice cream,bread and so on
  • Even a 16 minute loss of sleep each night increases the risk of obesity.
  • Lack of sleep can raise the level of the stress hormone cortisol.This encourages your body to break down muscle and store fat.
  • Sleep deprivation slows down your metabolism
  • Being awake longer gives you more time and opportunity to eat
  • When your brain is tired your judgment is impaired and will power is depleted.
  • The relationship between sleep duration and Body Mass Index is clear.
To make sure you don't become a gigantic fatty 

  • Sleep more
  • Life isn't perfect.You won't always get seven hours of sleep.So,when you don't,be vigilant.Know that you are likely to make poor food choices.Set yourself up for success.
Thanks for reading this tip about sleeping early.See ya guys :P

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