What Christmas Has To Offer

By Gregory Low - December 24, 2013

Hey Internet,

25th December = Christmas,the best time of the year.

Having opportunities to reunite with family members whom you don't see very often is a really good thing,because it helps you bond and get to know each other much better.

How much do you believe on Santa Claus?

Now I'm not talking about the Santa Claus you meet at a shopping mall because that's just a regular guy dressed up as an old man.

I'm talking about the real deal where he comes down from your chimney and gives you presents.But of course,he doesn't exist.

Now,take the word "SANTA" and swap the placement of the letters "TA" and "N" and you get "SATAN".So,there's a high chance that this Santa Claus came from the Devil.

Excuse me and forgive me if I'm wrong about that though.

Now, "What Christmas Has To Offer"

Of course first,PRESENTS!!

When I was younger I used to get tons of toys for Christmas and it was heaven on Earth for me.

Now I get money but I'm not complaining because I can save up to buy things that I really want.

I certainly would want a girlfriend as my Christmas present,or even a smartphone or a laptop.

Technically speaking,my Christmas list is like a mile long,maybe LONGER.

But it wouldn't hurt to actually get someone like this for Christmas.

Or of course a really cute pet,like Rudolf 

I don't have a Christmas tree and I guess my family might be too lazy to actually set one up with the stars and things on the branch.But I would enjoy myself because it's kinda fun if you think about it.

I wonder which country uses the "Christmas socks" but I know that I don't see any here.

Of course,getting presents from a sock isn't as fantastic as getting a present from underneath a Christmas tree,especially when the gift looks humongous!!

Speaking of humongous,girls would LOVE gifts like this

And guys

But there are 12 days of Christmas and it would be awesome if you actually received plenty of gifts every single day!!

I would also say that TV gives us lots of cool new episodes of the show you're always watching,unless if it's Korean drama then things might be different.

Not to forget that things will go on sale and of course,we all love shopping.

So enjoy your holidays peeps ^^)

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